(801) 737-9442

Sedation Dentistry

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(801) 737-9442
You can call us 24/7 - even if it's just to chat
Office hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, closed Saturday and Sunday, but we answer phone calls 24/7.

Snooze Through Treatment

Our sedation dentist has options that can provide you with total peace of mind during treatment

At Lomond View Dental, we do our best to ensure that no patient ever has a reason to fear treatment, developing a relationship with our patients that revolves around effective communication and trust is often the most reliable method of eliminating fears and anxiety associated with the dentist. However, for some individuals the sensation of extreme anxiety is simply too much, or too difficult to overcome, and that’s where sedation dentistry comes in. We provide the option of sleep dentistry to patients that are in need of some form of assistance when it comes to properly relaxing during treatment, and occasionally this procedure is even provided to those needing more complex dental issues. We offer several various methods of sedation to our patients in Pleasant View. The first, and most common option is an oral sedation, which generally is taken in the form of a pill to provide a much-needed sense of relaxation. Another option involves general anesthesia that can be provided to patients while under immediate supervision of one of our dedicated and skillful anesthesiologists. Lastly, there is an IV option that can offer patients a “total sleep” form of sedation, allowing all treatment to be done completely pain-free and without any form of consciousness. Don’t let fear or anxiety rule your dental needs, give us a call today and we will assist you in determining the best route for sleep dentistry in Pleasant View.
At Lomond View Dental, we do our best to ensure that no patient ever has a reason to fear treatment, developing a relationship with our patients that revolves around effective communication and trust is often the most reliable method of eliminating fears and anxiety associated with the dentist. However, for some individuals the sensation of extreme anxiety is simply too much, or too difficult to overcome, and that’s where sedation dentistry comes in. We provide the option of sleep dentistry to patients that are in need of some form of assistance when it comes to properly relaxing during treatment, and occasionally this procedure is even provided to those needing more complex dental issues. We offer several various methods of sedation to our patients in Pleasant View. The first, and most common option is an oral sedation, which generally is taken in the form of a pill to provide a much-needed sense of relaxation. Another option involves general anesthesia that can be provided to patients while under immediate supervision of one of our dedicated and skillful anesthesiologists. Lastly, there is an IV option that can offer patients a “total sleep” form of sedation, allowing all treatment to be done completely pain-free and without any form of consciousness. Don’t let fear or anxiety rule your dental needs, give us a call today and we will assist you in determining the best route for sleep dentistry in Pleasant View.

The Many Perks of Sedation Dentistry

There are a number of beneficial reasons to choose sleep dentistry in Pleasant View

Sedation DentistrySedation Dentistry

Learn a Little More About Our Team at Lomond View Dental in Pleasant View

The TeamPlay Video
The Team
Dr. Ron ScovillePlay Video
Dr. Ron Scoville
Dr. Kent ScovillePlay Video
Dr. Kent Scoville
Tooth Separator

Say “Good Night” To Your Fears

Our sedation dentist in Pleasant View can completely eliminate your anxiety from dental treatment

All forms of sleep dentistry that are provided from our Lomond View Dental office are both completely safe and highly effective for our patients. This provides the possibility for our patients to find complete relaxation while our skilled dental team perform all of the treatment that is needed to create a perfect smile. Sedation is another good option for those individuals that may have had bad experiences in their past dental visits with another office, perhaps even stemming back to childhood. Sometimes sleep dentistry allows for an increased sense of comfort during treatments that some patients find entirely too uncomfortable, or even painful to a highly sensitive mouth, including root canals, implants, or tooth extraction. If you would like to find out more about the types of sedation dentistry that we provide, give us a call today at (801) 737-9442 or click the 'appointments' button below. We are happy to answer all of your questions!
All forms of sleep dentistry that are provided from our Lomond View Dental office are both completely safe and highly effective for our patients. This provides the possibility for our patients to find complete relaxation while our skilled dental team perform all of the treatment that is needed to create a perfect smile. Sedation is another good option for those individuals that may have had bad experiences in their past dental visits with another office, perhaps even stemming back to childhood. Sometimes sleep dentistry allows for an increased sense of comfort during treatments that some patients find entirely too uncomfortable, or even painful to a highly sensitive mouth, including root canals, implants, or tooth extraction. If you would like to find out more about the types of sedation dentistry that we provide, give us a call today at (801) 737-9442 or click the 'appointments' button below. We are happy to answer all of your questions!
Sedation Dentistry
Rest Just Got Easier
Rest Just Got Easier

Sedation dentistry in Pleasant View allows you a sense of peace

Our highly skilled sedation dentist has the professional skills needed to drastically change the perception of dental treatment for anxious patients. We understand that fear can get in the way of effective treatment, even when you desire to overcome these things. That’s why our gentle and caring doctors take the steps needed to create a comfortable and relaxing environment for every individual’s specific needs. We are always happy to ensure your absolute peace of mind!

We are happy to answer your questions. Give us a call.

Call Us (801) 737-9442
"The Simplicity of Sedation"

"The Simplicity of Sedation"

Our sedation dentist in Pleasant View makes overcoming anxiety easy

"There are many individuals experiencing high levels of fear and anxiety when faced with the task of dental treatment, especially when more complex procedures are needed. However, a large number of the patients that come to our office seeking sedation dentistry are completely unaware of the advancements in modern technology that have allowed us to perform almost any type of procedure on an individual within a pain-free and relaxed environment. Above all else, our top priority will always be to provide the most effective treatment to every single patient, no matter the specific needs. If you are seeking further information on the field of sedation dentistry, give us a call. Our knowledgeable staff will be happy to help."

"There are many individuals experiencing high levels of fear and anxiety when faced with the task of dental treatment, especially when more complex procedures are needed. However, a large number of the patients that come to our office seeking sedation dentistry are completely unaware of the advancements in modern technology that have allowed us to perform almost any type of procedure on an individual within a pain-free and relaxed environment. Above all else, our top priority will always be to provide the most effective treatment to every single patient, no matter the specific needs. If you are seeking further information on the field of sedation dentistry, give us a call. Our knowledgeable staff will be happy to help."

Dr. Ron Scoville
Tap-To-Call (801) 737-9442
Oral Sedation
Doze through your 1st treatment
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Office hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, closed Saturday and Sunday, but we answer calls 24/7.
